Why a Fully Maintained Lease Agreement Is Usually The Best Option For Most Lease Customers

WHETHER you're leasing a Ferrari or a Fiesta it is inevitable you will have to deal with the question of a maintenance agreement. Choosing a maintained lease agreement brings a number of benefits but only you can decide to take advantage of them.
The idea of a maintenance package for your lease car is to give you peace of mind. Knowing that servicing and maintenance costs are covered by a regular monthly payment means you never have to deal with unexpected bills. It doesn't matter if it's a business or personal lease, you can add a maintenance agreement to both.
So what does a maintenance agreement cover? Generally speaking it covers the cost of annual servicing - which you must complete if you want to avoid any end of term penalties - and any general wear and tear, although it doesn't cover damage.
In our case a typical fully maintained contract covers:
- Scheduled servicing plus any routine and unexpected maintenance issues.
- Wear and tear of mechanical and electrical parts.
- Bulbs, batteries, exhausts, cam belts, wiper blades, alternators and starter motors.
- MOT tests (only usually needed on lease terms in excess of three years).
- Unlimited tyre replacements including free and convenient mobile tyre fitting service.
We also include service booking management, collection and delivery from your home or work address, a wash and vacuum, regular progress updates, preferential booking times, and a courtesy car if needed.
That's just us, but you get the idea. Pretty much everything is covered in one monthly payment rather than dealing with garage bills as and when they arise.
To work out whether or not a maintained lease is to your benefit requires a little bit of mathematics. You need to take into account your expected mileage, whether that means a new set of tyres, the manufacturer's service schedule and the cost of servicing, and even then you can't really put a figure on the unexpected bills. By their very nature they are a surprise.
There are a few general rules for a fully maintained lease that may help.
If you travel more than 20,000 miles per year it is definitely worth it due to unavoidable wear and tear. If it's a business lease for one or more vehicles and you want to spread the cost then a maintained lease is also the one to go for. You can also reclaim 100% of the VAT on the maintenance payment. If your time is too valuable to be ringing around for quotes, trying to get into the local tyre shop on a Saturday morning, or sitting in the reception area of your local dealer for half the day trying to get your money's worth of coffee and biscuits, then you should also consider a maintained lease.
If you're currently thinking that description fits pretty much anyone who leases a car you would be right. That's because in most cases a lease maintenance agreement makes more sense. Even if you choose not to take one it's almost certain that at some point during the term of the lease you'll wish you had, even if just to save you the hassle.
Obviously there will be cases where a fully maintained lease isn't going to make financial sense. We will only ever advise you of the options, but they are options to give you that choice.
We will happily discuss those options with you, but all we can do is point out the benefits of a fully maintained lease agreement in terms of convenience and cost. Only you can decide if your time is valuable enough to warrant it.
Now you've learnt more about the benefits of a fully maintained lease contract, why not check out our latest special offers here: latest leasing offers from G2L.
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